Date: Domingo, 3 de Maio de 1998 22:04

Oi all :)

Seguem abaixo os comments de CC/Emily. Achei melhor fazer tudo junto pq os episodios estao realmente conectados e quase nao existe um break. Como sempre sugestoes e correcoes

. Um dos episodios mais tocantes, comoventes e tristes de toda a serie.

. Adoro os episodios centrados em DS, desde Beyond the Sea.

. E o mitharc da DS rende, rende e rende. Samantha pelo jeito ja era. Acho q CC agradece a Deus todo dia pela sua afilhada Piper ter nascido :P GA devia cobrar adicional por ter ficado gravida... Ah se ela soubesse no q isso ia dar

. Dizer a GA detona no episodio e chover no molhado,,, mas vamos la!!! Nao me lembro de nenhuma atriz de tv q chegue aos pes dela. A cena em q conversa com Emily no carro e com a assistente social sao irretocaveis.

. GA deu a DS uma dimensao dramatica sem exageros. Em nenhum momento o episodio e piegas ou cai no dramalhao bobo.

. Mais uma vez a mae da DS aparece em situacoes tristes e tragicas. Sera q nao vao arrumar nenhum episodio mais levezinho pra ela aparecer?

. Mais uma referencia a DS poder se comunicar com os mortos. Desde Beyond the Sea qdo ela tem um prenuncio da morte do pai, passando por Revellations e agora CC. Acho q era mesmo a Melissa q ligou pra ela e nao acredito em conspiracao no alem. Como ela mesmo diz Deus nunca deixa o Demonio roubar o show :)

. O episodio toca em alguns pontos chaves do personagem DS: ela liga pro FM qdo precisa de apoio, mas pra variar desliga o telefone qdo ele atende!!! Queria ver um episodio em q ela nao diz I'm fine. Tudo bem q ela nao quer admitir pra ele pq sabe como ele se sente culpado ate pela propria sombra, mas assim ja e demais. Alem disso mostra q DS tem uma necessidade muito grande de familia com marido, filhos etc. Acho q  FM tbem sente falta disso mas para DS q sempre teve uma familia estavel e feliz isso e mais forte. Referencias tbem ao crucifixo e a falta de apoio da familia qdo ela decidiu entrar pro FBI.

. FM mergulha na culpa nesse episodio e tem q admitir q nao contou nada sobre os ovulos pra DS em MM. Tadinho como ele ia poder contar pra ela ? Com todo aqle sofrimento? E acho q tbem nao contou sobre os ovulos q acho na clinica rejuvenecedora e nem sobre a Samantha. Acho q vamos ver mais Emilys por ai

. Adoro FM indo tirar satisfacoes com o Dr Calderon. Quem mandou mexer com DS?

. DS perturbadissima depois de receber o telefonema da irma. Pra uma cetica ela nem vacila pra dar um trace na chamada.

. DS dizendo a mae q nao podia ter mais filhos :(

. DS colocando o crucifixo no pescoco da Emily

. A cena em q DS conversa com a assistente social sobre a adocao. So me lembro de ter visto DS chorar na frente da KK a analista e mesmo assim sem ser abertamente.

. FM chegando ao orfanato ja percebe q o seu maior temor se concretizou qdo ve o crucifixo no pescoco da Emily.

. FM ainda tenta avisar a enfermeira sobre o pescoco da Emily... mas nao deu tempo. Angst rules!!!!!!!!!!!!

. Terrivel a cena em q DS ve Emily fazendo os exames. E ela nao precisa dizer nada!!! GA rulez!!!!!! Alem disso ainda distribui olhares fulminantes durante todo o episodio.

. Qdo FM se oferece pra ficar ao lado dela com Emily ja em coma. DS pede pra ficar sozinha. Ela  e o seu eterno I'm fine!!!  E o FM respeita sua vontade mais uma vez. Contudo qdo esta na igreja DS espera pelo FM pra ir embora. Acho q ele tbem sabia q o corpo de Emily nao estava la pq nao teve coragem de ver DS abrir o caixao.

. Melhores Cenas: O monologo inicial belissimo e DS olhando pro crucifixo na cena final!!!

Scully's talking to Susan Chambliss, the social worker, about adopting Emily
Scully: "I don't understand. I mean, I think I have a right to know why you're rejecting my  application."
Susan Chambliss: "It's not mine to accept or reject, Dana. We only make recommendations to the judge. But at this point I'd advise against you becoming an adoptive parent. You're a single woman who's never been married or had a long-term relationship. You're in a high stress, time intensive, and dangerous occupation. One I sense you are deeply committed to and one which would overnight become a secondary priority to the care and well-being of this child. I'm not sure this is a sacrifice you're prepared to make."
Scully: "Well, it's one I've given a great deal of thought to. I mean, to be honest, I've started to question my priorities since I was first diagnosed with cancer. (she starts to cry) I feel like I was given a second chance. Ever since I was a child, I've never allowed to let myself get too close to people. I've avoided emotional attachment. Perhaps I've been so afraid of death and dying that any connection just seemed like a bad thing... something that wouldn't last. But I don't feel that anymore."
Susan Chambliss: "I know you are a trained physician and are aware of Emily's medical condition. I want to stress to you, Dana. Emily is a special-needs child. According to her doctors, her condition is incurable. She requires constant care, both medical and emotional. The good news is, you have first hand experience of grave illness. The bad news is, you'd have to relive it through the eyes of a child."
Scully: "I realize that. And I feel like I'm ready."
Susan Chambliss: "We'll review your final application and make our recommendations. I wish you luck. Merry Christmas."
Scully: "Merry Christmas."
Christmas morning at Bill's house, a courier arrives with a package for Scully

Courier: "I need you to sign for this. (Scully does) Merry Christmas."
Scully: "Merry Christmas." (she opens the package, goes to the living room as the others there all look at her)
Mrs. Scully: "What is it?"
Scully: "It's the DNA test on Emily Sim's blood."
Bill: "What does it say?"
Scully: "It says, definitely, that Melissa is not Emily's mother, but that they found striking genetic similarities between Emily and Melissa, so many that they ran a test against another sample that they already had."
Mrs. Scully: "What sample?"
Bill: "What are you trying to say?"
Scully: "According to this... I am Emily's mother."
Scully's opening voiceover

"It begins where it ends ... (we see a woman's feet walking slowly) In nothingness. A nightmare born from deepest fears, coming to me unguarded. (long shot of a woman walking across the desert) Whispering images unlocked from time and distance. (we now see it's Scully walking and wearing a long dark blue flowing gown) A soul unbound - touched by others but never held. On a course charted by some unseen hand. The journey ahead promising no more than my past reflecting back upon me. Until at last, I reach the end. (she picks up her cross necklace from the sand) Facing a truth I can no longer deny. Alone, as ever." (closeup of her face as it turns into sand and blows away)
Mulder: "I found Emily's surrogate mother. I had Frohike hack into the California Social Services Adoption database."
Scully: "You got a name?"
Mulder: "Yeah, her mother of record is one Anna Fugazzi."
Scully: "Fugazzi?"
Mulder: "Yeah, as in slang term for fake."
Scully: "I don't understand. Why create a false record?"
Mulder: "Because there are no true records. Emily didn't come into this world through any system that keeps them."
Scully: "How did she come into this world?"
Mulder: "Have you asked yourself that?"
Scully: "Well, she was born to someone, she... she has to belong to someone."
Mulder: "Someone, who's proven that they'll do anything to protect her or their interest in her."
Scully: "I can protect her too."
Mulder: "Yeah, but who's going to protect you? Emily's adoptive parents are both dead, by no accident."
Scully: "I know... I've considered that, but I've also considered that there's only one right thing to do." (a woman approaches Emily)
Woman: "Emily?" (she crouches down to Emily)
Mulder: "Why didn't you call me sooner?"
Scully: "Because I couldn't believe it. But I need you now to be a witness on my behalf in this hearing."
Mulder: "And I should have declined... if I never want to see you hurt or harmed in any way."
Scully: "Then why are you here?"
Mulder: "Because I know something that I haven't said... Something that they'll use against you to jeopardize your custody of Emily. No matter how much you love this little girl, she's a miracle that was never meant to be, Scully."
Scully: "Why didn't you tell me, Mulder?"
Mulder: "I never expected this. I thought I was protecting you."
Scully: "Why would they do this to me?"
Mulder: "I only know that genetic experiments were being done, that children were being created."
Scully: "Children being created for who?"
Mulder: "For who? For what? I don't know."
Scully, looking very worried, is watching Emily through a glass window, Emily appears to be sleeping, Mulder walks in

Scully: "She's gone into a coma. (Mulder looks around, not sure what to say, he looks at Scully) I'm okay, Mulder. It's what's meant to be."
Mulder: "But if you could treat her..."
Scully: "I wouldn't. I wouldn't do it to her."
Mulder: "Are you sure?"
Scully: "Mulder, whoever brought this child into this world... didn't intend to love her."
Mulder: "I think she was born to... serve an agenda."
Scully: "I have a chance to stop that. You were right. This child... was not meant to be."
Mulder: "All right. I'll stay with you."
Scully: "I think I'd like to be alone." (Mulder leaves)
After her family has left, Scully is standing in a church, a small white coffin in front of her, crying. Mulder walks up the aisle and lays a bouquet of white flowers on the coffin, then goes to stand beside Scully

Scully: "Who are the men who would create a life whose only hope was to die?"
Mulder: "I don't know. But the fact that you found her... and had a chance to love her... Then maybe she was meant for that too."
Scully: "She found me."
Mulder: "So you could save her."
Scully: "How's Detective Kresge?"
Mulder: "He's doing better. He's already out of the ICU."
Scully: "And the men who did this to him?"
Mulder: "They've already cleaned up the nursing home. All the women have been placed in new homes. There's no evidence that anyone at Transgen Corporation knew of Calderon's work." (Scully looks at Mulder, then back to the coffin)
Scully: "There is evidence of what they did."

Scully walks over to the coffin. Mulder turns his back, not wanting to intrude. She opens the coffin, finding nothing but sand and Scully's cross necklace. She picks up the necklace, holds it up and shuts her eyes.

Comentarios? Sugestoes ? Correcoes?

"Mulder, it's me."
"Mulder, where are you going?"
"Mulder, where are you?"
"Mulder, you're nuts!"
"The X-Files" Notes Synopsis
