

Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 14:19:08 -0300

Oi all :)))))))))))

Ai vao os comentarios de Soft Light... Comentarios? Correcoes? Sugestoes? Whatever :P

. Soft Light ja e um classico por natureza: o primeiro episodio escrito pelo UbberVince :)

. Dizer q o roteiro e otimo e chover no molhado, mas a historia tem tudo o que um bom TXF precisa: conspiracao, testes do governo, informantes, teorias malucas do FM e uma DS cetica.

. Gostei do cara que faz o cientista. Ele tinha mesmo cara de louco

. E pra quem se pergunta de quem o Mr X estava falando qdo diz a FM que ele colocou a vida dele em perigo revelando a identidade e so lembrar de End Game qdo DS e WS ficam conhecendo o nosso amigo informante mal humorado :)

.DD e GA parecem ter gostado de fazer SL, estao bem em seus papeis

. Pra variar FM se desentende com a policia local

. Os enquadramentos de camera estavam diferentes ou e impressao minha? Nesse episodio da pra ver bem o qto GA e baixinha :P

. Como sempre Vince faz referencia a episodios anteriores: Tooms :PPP

. O que sera q DS contou a Kelly sobre FM ???????

. A cena em que FM conta a sua teoria pra Kelly e hilaria

. Assustadoras as cenas de laboratorio. Que coisa horrivel

. FM de oculos escuros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly (to Mulder): "Heard a lot about you..."
Mulder (to Scully): "We'll talk later..."
Kelly: "Agent Scully, what are you looking at?"
Scully: "Uh, the heat register."
Kelly: "You don't think anyone could have squeezed in there?"
Mulder: "You never know..." (reference to the character Tooms from the episodes "Tooms" and "Squeeze")
(Mulder & Scully discussing the possibility of a spontaneous combustion theory)
Scully: "Let's just forget for the moment that there's no scientific theory to support it."
Mulder: "Okay."
Mulder: "Hey Scully, can you spare a prophylactic?"
Scully: "Darkness covers a multitude of sins."
Mulder: "Check this out. My newest tool in the fight against crime. 49.95 at your local hardware store."
Scully: "Neat trick. For your birthday I'll buy you a utility belt."
Mulder: "Yeah but half of Richmond earns their paycheck making cancer sticks."
Mulder: "Maybe it's not so spontaneous. Get on the phone to your 'young detective' and tell her to get a detail down to the train station."
Banton: "Oh god, not again!"
Scully: "Chances are he's not walking around carrying a sign with an rrow on it."
Mulder: "Why's he doing that?" (looking at the floor)
Scully: "Probably the same reason he spends his whole afternoon in the train station."
Mulder: "Powered by what?"
Davey: "Couple billion megawatts. Virginia Power loved us."
Scully: "...Nonsensical repetitive behavior is a common trait of mental illness."
Mulder: "You trying to tell me something?"
Det. Beren: "Yeah, I was just wondering what your involvement is here."
Mulder: "We caught the guy."
Mulder: "...He believes the government is out to get him."
Mr X: "It's tax season. So do most Americans."
Mr X: "Dead men can't keep promises. The next time the blood and regret might be yours."
Mulder: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you, Scully."

Comentarios? Sugestoes ? Correcoes?

"Mulder, it's me."
"Mulder, where are you going?"
"Mulder, where are you?"
"Mulder, you're nuts!"
"The X-Files" Notes Synopsis
